Sunday, February 22, 2009


The most random creatures on Earth.
The most beautiful creatures on Earth.
Creatures you cannot live with for long.
Creatures you cannot live without either.
Creatures who don't know what they want.
Creatures who expect everything what they can't give.
Creatures who would scowl when they are being called creatures.

The only Creatures who can create creatures and non-creatures.


There are rarely times when you thing of a week - looking ahead for planning for commitments and there comes only 1 answer:


It's a state of affairs which we all imagine at different times of our lives - some of us still fantasize about it.

However now that I am in the middle of a infinite sea of nothingness; there is this 1 truth that comes in front of me...

Life is an infinite pursuit of infinitely many desirable goals.

1 goal leads us to the next and the next one to yet another one. What happens when you run out of goals - Life becomes this sea of emptiness. A sea on whose coast one is all alone ...

Blogging Again ...

After quite some thought, this is what I have arrived at .

Blogging = idling away

1. The 3 times I had this blogging urge: US summer intern, NZ summer intern, Last Semester IIT
2. The things we write can only be thought and written when you have absolutely nothing to do.

Hence here I start again on this journey - when I have literally ZERO academic load, and a lot to think about and hence a lot to write about.